
Biewer Terrier

Biewer Terriers: A Comprehensive Exploration of the Tri-Colored Marvel

Table of Contents

The Biewer Terrier, often draped in a striking tri-color coat of blue (or black), white, and gold, hails from Germany and is a relatively recent breed, tracing its origins back to 1984. Born out of a unique genetic occurrence within a litter of Yorkshire Terriers owned by Werner and Gertrud Biewer, this breed quickly gained popularity for its distinct colors and lovable demeanor.

Typically weighing between 4 to 8 pounds, Biewer Terriers are small, yet robust and agile. Their silky, medium-length coat is a standout feature, requiring regular grooming to maintain its lustrous shine.

Temperamentally, the Biewer Terrier is known for its spirited, playful nature and deep loyalty to its human companions. They thrive in environments where they’re actively engaged, and their adaptable nature makes them suitable for both city apartments and spacious homes.

While they are generally a healthy breed with a lifespan of 12-15 years, it’s essential for potential owners to be aware of certain health concerns and to provide them with regular veterinary care.

In short, the Biewer Terrier, with its vibrant personality and unique appearance, makes a delightful companion, adding joy and energy to any household.

Breed Snapshot

Life Expectancy:

12 to 15 years



Maintenance Level:


Shed Level

V. Low

Best For

The Biewer Terrier is best for:

  • Families & Singles: Their adaptable nature and deep-rooted loyalty make them an excellent choice for families, singles, and seniors alike. Their small size and affectionate demeanor make them great companions.

  • Apartment Living: Due to their compact size and moderate exercise needs, Biewer Terriers fit comfortably in apartment settings.

  • Active Owners: While they don’t require excessive exercise, they do appreciate regular play sessions and walks. Active owners who can engage them in different activities will find a happy partner in a Biewer.

  • First-time Dog Owners: Their eager-to-please nature and manageable size make them a good option for first-time pet owners, though it’s essential to understand their grooming needs.

  • Those Seeking Companionship: The Biewer Terrier’s affectionate and loyal temperament makes them excellent companion dogs, always ready to sit by your side or play.

  • Owners Prepared for Regular Grooming: Their luscious coats, while beautiful, require regular care. If you enjoy grooming or are ready to invest in regular professional grooming sessions, the Biewer Terrier can be a fantastic choice.

  • Allergy Sufferers: Though no dog is entirely hypoallergenic, the Biewer Terrier’s coat type means they tend to shed less and may be a better option for those with mild allergies.

  • Those Seeking a Vibrant Personality: Biewer Terriers are known for their spirited, cheerful nature, making every day lively and fun.

Remember, while they are suitable for a range of households and lifestyles, ensuring you meet their needs—whether it’s through grooming, play, or companionship—is paramount for a happy, well-adjusted Biewer Terrier.

Biewer Terrier Traits

Breed Characteristics

Here are the qualities you can expect when raising an Affenpinscher on a scale of 1 paw (low) to 5 paws (high). These attributes were rated by several pet experts, including a dog trainer, veterinarian and behaviorist. Remember that dogs are individuals, and not all dogs, even of the same breed, will fit the mold.


Exercise Needs
Health Issues
Barking Tendencies
Grooming Needs
Shedding Level
Training Needs
Good With Kids
Good With Cats
Good As A Service Dog
Good For Apartments & Small Homes
Biting Tendencies
Energy Level
Good With Other Dogs
Sensitive to Cold Weather
Sensitive to Warm Weather
Good For First Time Pet Parents

Breed Appearance

The Biewer Terrier is a captivating small dog, standing 7 to 11 inches tall, adorned with a long, silky, and straight tri-colored coat of blue (or black), white, and gold. This fine-textured coat drapes elegantly over their well-proportioned, compact body. Their slightly rounded skull features a prominent, contrasting black nose, paired with expressive, dark eyes and upright, V-shaped ears, giving them an alert and charming expression that many find irresistible. The complete detail of Biewer Terrier are listed below in detail. 

1. Ears
Erect and V-shaped.
2. Eyes
Medium-sized, dark, and with an alert expression.
3. Nose
The Biewer Terrier’s nose is black, proportionate to its face, and serves as a prominent, sensory-rich feature contrasting their tri-colored coat.
4. Height
Typically stands at a height of 7 to 11 inches (18 to 28 cm) at the shoulder when fully grown. However, individual dogs might slightly vary depending on their lineage and specific genetic factors.
5. Coat Length
Straight, silky, and medium in length. It can have a combination of blue (or black), white, and gold. The coat requires regular grooming to keep it in pristine condition.
6. Coat Color
Tri-colored – blue (or black), white, and gold.
7. Body
Well-proportioned, giving them a balanced and elegant appearance.
8. Weight
Typically 4-8 pounds
9. Group 
Toy Group

Biewer Terrier Personality & Temperament

The Biewer Terrier is not just a visual delight; its personality shines as brilliantly as its coat, making it a cherished companion for many. Here’s a deep dive into their temperament:

  • Affectionate Companion: One of the standout traits of the Biewer Terrier is its deep-seated affection. These dogs form close bonds with their human families, often showing a penchant for cuddling and staying close to their loved ones. Their loyalty runs deep, and they often display a clear preference for human company over being alone.

  • Lively & Playful: The Biewer Terrier is a pocket of energy. They’re always up for a game, whether it’s fetch, tug-of-war, or just a playful romp around the living room. This zest for life often comes as a surprise to those who mistake them for lapdogs, based solely on their size.

  • Intelligent & Alert: Beneath their silky tresses lies a sharp mind. Biewer Terriers are quick learners and display a noticeable alertness. This alert nature, combined with their keen hearing, often makes them good watchdogs, as they’re quick to announce visitors or unusual noises.

  • Sociable But Wary: While Biewer Terriers are friendly and can get along well with other pets and humans, they might initially exhibit wariness around strangers. Early socialization is pivotal to ensure they grow up to be well-rounded dogs, comfortable in various settings and around different people and animals.

  • Adaptable: Their adaptable nature is one of the Biewer Terrier’s strong suits. Whether they’re in a city apartment, a suburban home, or a country estate, they adjust well, as long as they receive their daily dose of attention and play.

  • Stubborn Streak: Like many small breeds, Biewer Terriers can sometimes showcase a stubborn side. Consistent training from a young age, peppered with positive reinforcement, usually keeps this trait in check, molding them into obedient companions.

  • Sensitive: Biewer Terriers wear their heart on their furry sleeve. They pick up on their family’s emotions and often react to them. A harmonious home environment is crucial as they can become stressed in the face of loud noises or familial discord.

In essence, the Biewer Terrier is a delightful blend of vivacity, intelligence, and affection. While they bring joy with their playful antics, it’s their unwavering loyalty and deep-seated love for their families that truly sets them apart. Providing them with a nurturing environment, consistent training, and early socialization ensures they grow to be the ideal companions they’re meant to be.

How to Care for a Biewer Terrier

Owning a Biewer Terrier is both a delight and a responsibility. To ensure that your furry companion lives a happy and healthy life, you need to provide them with the best care possible. Let’s dive deep into the specifics of how to care for this breed:

Biewer Terriers, often recognized for their silky, long coats, are undeniably among the more high-maintenance breeds when it comes to grooming. Ensuring their coat remains tangle-free, shiny, and healthy is pivotal not just for aesthetic reasons, but also for their overall well-being. Let’s delve into the specifics of grooming a Biewer Terrier.

1. Brushing:
The Biewer Terrier’s luxurious coat can become tangled and matted if not maintained properly.

  • Frequency: Daily brushing is ideal to prevent matting.
  • Tools: Use a soft-bristle brush or a wide-toothed comb. Metal combs can work particularly well to work through any tangles.
  • Technique: Begin from the head, moving down to the tail. Always brush in the direction of hair growth, ensuring you’re gentle over sensitive areas.

2. Bathing:
While Biewer Terriers don’t require frequent baths, their long coat tends to gather dirt.

  • Frequency: Every 3-4 weeks or when they seem particularly dirty.
  • Shampoo: Use a gentle, hypoallergenic dog shampoo to maintain the coat’s natural oils and avoid skin irritation.
  • Conditioning: A mild conditioner can help keep their coat soft and easier to manage. Ensure thorough rinsing to prevent any residue.

3. Ear Care:
Their ears should be free from any strong odor or excessive wax.

  • Cleaning: Use a vet-recommended ear cleaning solution and a cotton ball. Avoid cotton swabs as they can push debris further into the ear canal.
  • Monitoring: Regularly check for signs of infections – redness, swelling, or an unusual amount of wax.

4. Eye Care:
Biewer Terriers are prone to tear stains, especially those with lighter coats.

  • Cleaning: Use a soft, damp cloth to gently wipe away any discharge or tear stains. There are also specialized products available for persistent tear staining.
  • Protection: Be careful with shampoo or other products during bath time to ensure they don’t irritate the eyes.

5. Nail Trimming:
Long nails can cause discomfort or even pain for your Biewer Terrier.

  • Frequency: Typically, once a month is sufficient.
  • Tools: Use a canine nail clipper or grinder. If unsure, ask your vet or a professional groomer to show you the proper technique.
  • Caution: Be mindful of the ‘quick’ in the nail, which contains blood vessels. Cutting it can cause pain and bleeding.

6. Dental Care:
Oral hygiene is essential for overall health.

  • Brushing: Use a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste to brush your Biewer Terrier’s teeth several times a week.
  • Dental Treats & Toys: These can help reduce tartar build-up.

7. Professional Grooming:
While many grooming tasks can be done at home, a professional groomer’s touch, especially for tasks like hair trimming, can be beneficial. They can give your Biewer Terrier a neat, even cut, especially around the face, ears, and paws.

In summary, grooming your Biewer Terrier is not just about keeping them looking their best, but also about ensuring their comfort and health. Regular grooming sessions also provide an opportunity to check for any signs of health issues, from skin problems to dental concerns. Embrace these moments as bonding experiences, filled with affection and mutual trust.

Biewer Terriers, with their vivacious spirit and acute intelligence, are both eager to learn and eager to please. Proper training and socialization play a pivotal role in shaping them into well-adjusted, well-mannered adults. Let’s explore these two facets of canine upbringing for this breed.

Training Your Biewer Terrier

1. Start Early:
Initiate training sessions as soon as you bring your Biewer Terrier puppy home. At a tender age, they are more malleable and can grasp commands quicker.

2. Positive Reinforcement:
Biewer Terriers respond best to positive reinforcement. Use treats, praise, and toys as rewards. This method fosters a love for learning, rather than a fear of punishment.

3. Consistency is Key:
Always be consistent with commands and their associated actions. Inconsistency can confuse your terrier and hinder the learning process.

4. Short and Engaging Sessions:
Given their attention span, it’s best to keep training sessions short – about 5 to 10 minutes – but frequent. Make sessions fun and engaging to hold their interest.

5. Command Basics:
Start with basic commands like ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘come’, and ‘heel’. Once mastered, you can advance to more complex commands or tricks.

6. Crate Training:
Teaching your Biewer to be comfortable in a crate can be a beneficial tool for housetraining and can provide them with a safe haven.

7. Avoid Negative Behaviors:
Biewer Terriers can sometimes be a bit stubborn or develop negative behaviors like excessive barking. Address these behaviors promptly, redirecting them to more positive actions.

Socialization for Biewer Terriers

1. The Early Bird Gets the Worm:
Begin socialization early in your Biewer Terrier’s life. The critical socialization period for puppies is between 3 to 14 weeks, but it should continue well into adulthood.

2. Diverse Experiences:
Expose your Biewer Terrier to various sights, sounds, and environments. From bustling streets to serene parks, the more they experience, the more adaptable they become.

3. Meeting & Greeting:
Introduce them to a variety of people, children, and other animals. Ensure these interactions are positive. Reward your terrier with treats and praise when they behave calmly and confidently.

4. Puppy Classes:
Enrolling your Biewer Terrier in puppy socialization classes can be invaluable. These classes offer a structured environment for puppies to interact and learn.

5. Tackle Fear:
If your Biewer Terrier shows signs of fear or aggression, it’s essential to address it immediately. Understanding the root of their fear and working with a professional can help in these situations.

6. Consistent Social Opportunities:
Regularly provide your Biewer Terrier with opportunities to socialize, be it at dog parks, on walks, or during playdates with other dogs.

Hence, training and socialization are not just about commands or meeting new dogs; they’re about building a relationship of trust and understanding with your Biewer Terrier. With patience, consistency, and love, your Biewer Terrier will not only be well-behaved but will also emerge as a confident, sociable companion ready to face the world with enthusiasm.

Biewer Terriers, with their small stature and boundless energy, have specific dietary needs to ensure they lead a healthy, vibrant life. A well-balanced diet is pivotal for their growth, maintenance, and overall well-being. Here’s an in-depth look into feeding your Biewer Terrier right.

1. Quality Matters:

  • Premium Food: Opt for high-quality commercial dog foods that list real meat (like chicken, beef, fish) as the primary ingredient. These provide the essential proteins your Biewer Terrier needs.
  • By-Products and Fillers: Avoid foods laden with by-products, excessive fillers like corn or soy, and artificial additives. These can be hard to digest and lack nutritional value.

2. Life Stage and Dietary Needs:

  • Puppies: Biewer Terrier puppies are energetic and need foods formulated for growth. These diets are higher in protein and fat to support their rapid development.
  • Adults: Once they reach maturity, transition to adult formulas to maintain an ideal weight and muscle mass.
  • Seniors: Older Biewer Terriers may benefit from senior-specific formulations, which consider the changing metabolic rate and potential health issues of aging dogs.

3. Portion Control:

  • Avoid Overfeeding: Small breeds like the Biewer Terrier can easily become overweight, which poses health risks. It’s essential to adhere to the recommended portion sizes, which are often provided on dog food packaging.
  • Feeding Frequency: Puppies should be fed 3-4 times a day, while adults usually do well with two meals a day.

4. Fresh Water:

Always ensure your Biewer Terrier has access to clean, fresh water. Hydration is just as crucial as nutrition.

5. Treats and Snacks:

  • Use Sparingly: While it’s tempting to pamper your furry friend with treats, they should not constitute more than 10% of your dog’s daily caloric intake.
  • Healthy Options: Consider low-calorie treats, or even simple fruits and veggies (like blueberries or carrots). However, always ensure they’re safe for canine consumption.

6. Special Dietary Considerations:

  • Allergies: Some Biewer Terriers may develop food allergies or sensitivities. If your dog shows signs like excessive itching, digestive issues, or ear infections, consult your vet about potential dietary culprits.
  • Health Conditions: Certain health issues might require special diets. For example, dogs with kidney issues may need reduced protein diets.

7. Home-Cooked Meals:

  • Balanced Diet: If you choose to prepare home-cooked meals, ensure they are nutritionally balanced. Consulting with a veterinary nutritionist can be beneficial.
  • Safe Ingredients: Always be wary of ingredients toxic to dogs, such as onions, grapes, and chocolate.

8. Supplements:

While a balanced diet should provide all the necessary nutrients, some Biewer Terriers might benefit from supplements like omega-3 fatty acids for coat health or glucosamine for joint support. Always discuss any supplements with your veterinarian.

In summary, a well-thought-out diet is instrumental in ensuring your Biewer Terrier’s long-term health, vitality, and happiness. Regularly consult with your veterinarian to make informed choices and adjustments, keeping abreast with your dog’s changing needs. Remember, what you feed your Biewer Terrier plays a significant role in their overall well-being.

Although small in size, Biewer Terriers pack a punch of energy. Providing them with adequate exercise not only maintains their physical health but also keeps their minds sharp and spirits high. Here’s an in-depth guide on ensuring your Biewer Terrier stays active and engaged.

1. The Importance of Exercise:

Physical Health: Regular exercise helps maintain an ideal weight, reducing the risk of obesity-related diseases. It also ensures good cardiovascular health and muscle tone.

Mental Stimulation: Biewer Terriers are intelligent dogs. Exercise often involves problem-solving, which keeps their minds agile.

Behavioral Benefits: A well-exercised Biewer Terrier is less likely to develop destructive habits or show signs of anxiety. Burned-off energy translates to calmer behavior at home.

2. Types of Exercise:

a. Walks: At least two daily walks are ideal. Morning and evening strolls not only offer exercise but also opportunities for sniffing and exploration.

b. Playtime: Fetch, tug-of-war, or even hide and seek with their favorite toy can be both fun and physically engaging for your terrier.

c. Agility Training: Their nimble nature makes Biewer Terriers excellent candidates for agility courses. This activity provides both physical exercise and mental challenges.

d. Dog Parks: These are great venues for off-leash play and socialization. Just ensure interactions with other dogs remain positive.

e. Interactive Toys: Toys like puzzle feeders or treat-dispensing toys can offer mental stimulation and keep them occupied.

3. Exercise Duration and Intensity:

Puppies: Their bones and joints are still developing, so keep exercise sessions short but frequent. Allow them to play and explore in a safe environment.

Adults: An average of 30 minutes to an hour of moderate exercise daily is usually sufficient. This can be divided between walks, playtime, and other activities.

Seniors: Older Biewer Terriers might not be as sprightly, but they still benefit from regular, gentle exercise. Shorter, more frequent walks and low-impact play can be ideal.

4. Indoor Exercise:

For days when outdoor activities are limited (due to weather or other reasons), indoor games can be a savior. Games like fetch down a hallway or hide and seek with treats can keep them engaged.

5. Safety First:

Heat Sensitivity: Biewer Terriers, like many dogs, are sensitive to heat. During hotter months, opt for early morning or late evening exercise sessions.

Leash Safety: Unless in a secure, fenced area or a designated off-leash zone, always keep your Biewer Terrier on a leash to prevent them from darting off.

Joint Care: Especially with growing puppies or aging seniors, be mindful of high-impact exercises that could strain their joints.

6. Post-Exercise Care:

After a session of physical activity, ensure your Biewer Terrier has access to fresh water. Check their paws for any debris or injury, especially after a trek or play in rough terrains.

In conclusion, exercise is an integral component of your Biewer Terrier’s holistic well-being. It’s more than just physical activity; it’s an opportunity for bonding, learning, and exploring the world together. Find a rhythm and mix of activities that both you and your terrier enjoy, ensuring they lead a balanced, happy life.

The environment in which a Biewer Terrier lives plays a crucial role in determining its health, happiness, and overall well-being. These dogs, while adaptable, have certain needs and preferences that, when met, help them thrive. Let’s explore the perfect environment for a Biewer Terrier.

1. Housing:

Indoor Living: Biewer Terriers are primarily indoor dogs, due to their small size and companionable nature. They thrive best when they’re part of the family’s day-to-day activities.

Space Considerations: While they’re small and can comfortably live in apartments, they do need sufficient space to play and move around. It’s essential to ensure they don’t feel confined.

2. Outdoor Access:

Secured Yard: If you have a backyard, it should be securely fenced to prevent your Biewer Terrier from wandering off and to protect them from potential predators. Ensure there are no gaps or weak spots.

Shelter: If they spend any prolonged time outdoors, ensure there’s shelter from the elements – be it harsh sun, rain, or cold.

3. Climate Considerations:

Warmth Affinity: Biewer Terriers have a coat that offers some protection, but they’re not suited for extremely cold climates. In winter, they might need sweaters or jackets for outdoor excursions.

Heat Sensitivity: In hot climates, ensure they have a cool place to retreat. Avoid walking them during peak heat hours.

4. Safe Play Areas:

Indoor Play Zones: Designate areas inside the home where they can play safely without the risk of knocking over breakables or ingesting harmful objects.

Outdoor Play Zones: If you have a yard or garden, ensure it’s free from harmful plants, chemicals, or small objects they might swallow.

5. Social Environment:

Companionship: Biewer Terriers are sociable and thrive in environments where they receive regular interaction, whether with humans or other pets.

Calm Surroundings: While they’re adaptable, a relatively calm household is beneficial. Excessive noise or chaos might stress them.

6. Enrichment:

Toys and Puzzles: An ideal environment includes mental stimulation. Toys, puzzles, and interactive games keep them engaged and ward off boredom.

Training Areas: Dedicate spots for regular training sessions. This provides structure and hones their intelligence.

7. Safety Measures:

No Toxic Substances: Ensure the environment is free from harmful chemicals or plants. Store cleaning agents, medicines, and certain foods out of their reach.

Escape-proofing: Whether it’s securing windows, balconies, or doorways, ensure there’s no risk of your Biewer Terrier making an unexpected escape.

In conclusion, crafting the perfect environment for your Biewer Terrier means considering their physical, mental, and social needs. A balanced mix of safety, stimulation, and companionship ensures your furry friend leads a content, fulfilled life. While they’re adaptable and can adjust to various living conditions, taking these extra steps helps them truly thrive.

Biewer Terriers, like many toy breeds, are known for their loving nature and deep affinity for human companionship. Forming a bond with your Biewer Terrier is one of the most rewarding experiences, both for the dog and the owner. Let’s delve into the intricacies of affection and bonding with this delightful breed.

1. The Innate Need for Connection:

Biewer Terriers are companion dogs at heart. They are often happiest when they’re in the company of their human family, being involved in day-to-day activities. This closeness is not just a preference; it’s a deep-seated need.

2. Starting Early:

Puppy Bonding: If you bring home a Biewer Terrier puppy, the early weeks are crucial for bonding. Gentle handling, playtime, and consistent positive interactions lay the foundation for a strong, lifelong bond.

Adult Dogs: If adopting an adult, remember they might come with past experiences. Patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement can help build trust and affection over time.

3. Physical Affection:

Touch: Biewer Terriers often thrive on physical touch, be it petting, cuddling, or gentle massages. These interactions release oxytocin in both the dog and the owner, deepening the bond.

Lap Time: Don’t be surprised if your Biewer Terrier wants to curl up on your lap. This closeness is comforting and fosters a sense of security.

4. Quality Time Together:

Activities: Engage in activities your terrier enjoys, whether it’s a game of fetch, a leisurely walk, or even agility training. Shared experiences bolster the bond.

Daily Routines: Incorporate your Biewer Terrier into your daily routines, such as watching TV together or having them accompany you as you work. The mere act of being together reinforces the bond.

5. Communication and Understanding:

Listen to Their Cues: Paying attention to their body language and vocal cues helps in understanding their needs and emotions. This mutual understanding further strengthens the connection.

Training: Positive reinforcement training not only teaches commands but also establishes a line of communication and trust.

6. Emotional Support:

Being There: Just like humans, Biewer Terriers have moments of anxiety or distress. Being there to comfort and soothe them in such times emphasizes your role as their trusted companion.

Consistency: A stable, consistent environment where they know what to expect can amplify feelings of security and affection.

7. Socialization and Experiences:

New Experiences: Introducing your Biewer Terrier to new experiences, sights, and sounds can be a bonding activity. It broadens their horizons while they rely on you for guidance and assurance.

Meeting Others: While their primary bond will likely be with their main caregiver, socializing them with other humans and pets can nurture their affectionate nature.

In conclusion, bonding with your Biewer Terrier is a journey, one filled with shared moments, mutual understanding, and deep affection. Recognizing and nurturing their inherent need for closeness ensures a harmonious, loving relationship. This bond, once formed, provides immeasurable joy and comfort to both the terrier and the owner, making the companionship truly special.

Biewer Terrier Health

Biewer Terriers, with their lively disposition and heartwarming personalities, have rapidly found their way into the hearts of many dog enthusiasts. While these terriers are generally robust, as with all breeds, they come with their own set of health considerations. This guide will delve deeper into the health specifics of Biewer Terriers to help owners provide the best care for their furry companions.

1. Inherited Genetic Disorders:

a. Patellar Luxation: A common issue among small breeds, this condition refers to the dislocation of the kneecap. Mild cases may not affect the dog’s quality of life, but severe cases could require surgical intervention.

b. Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease: This involves the hip joint, where reduced blood supply causes the head of the femur bone to disintegrate and collapse. Symptoms include limping and leg pain.

c. Portosystemic Shunt: This congenital condition is when blood bypasses the liver, leading to the buildup of toxins in the bloodstream. It can be managed surgically.

2. Dental Concerns:

Small breeds often face dental challenges due to the size and alignment of their teeth.

a. Periodontal Disease: Regular dental cleanings and at-home brushing can prevent this gum disease.

b. Tooth Decay: High-quality kibble and dental chews can help reduce the risk.

3. Eye Health:

a. Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): A genetic condition where the retina deteriorates over time, leading to eventual blindness. Regular eye check-ups can detect early signs.

b. Cataracts: Clouding of the eye lens which can impair vision.

4. Gastrointestinal Issues:

a. Small Breed Sensitivity: Some Biewer Terriers may have sensitive stomachs, making them prone to digestive issues. A consistent, high-quality diet helps mitigate this.

5. Skin and Coat Issues:

a. Allergies: These terriers can sometimes develop allergies, which manifest as skin irritations. Regular grooming and hypoallergenic diets can help manage this.

b. Parasites: Regular vet checks are crucial to detect and treat external parasites like fleas, ticks, and mites.

6. Heart Health:

While not overly common, Biewer Terriers can face heart-related issues like:

a. Mitral Valve Disease: Regular veterinary check-ups, especially as the dog ages, can help detect murmurs and manage this condition.

7. Reproductive Health:

a. Cryptorchidism: This is when one or both testicles fail to descend in male dogs. It’s advisable to neuter dogs with this condition as it can lead to tumors.

8. Aging Concerns:

As Biewer Terriers age, they may face conditions like arthritis, decreased vision, and cognitive changes. Specialized senior diets, joint supplements, and regular vet visits can make their golden years comfortable.

9. Preventive Care:

a. Vaccinations: Keeping up with the vaccination schedule is essential to prevent various diseases.

b. Regular Check-ups: Routine vet visits allow for early detection of potential issues.

c. Parasite Prevention: Monthly treatments can keep heartworms, fleas, and ticks at bay.

Being attentive to your Biewer Terrier’s health involves a mix of regular veterinary care, a balanced diet, and keen observation. By staying informed about potential health risks and practicing preventive care, you can ensure that your Biewer Terrier enjoys a long, healthy, and happy life by your side.

Biewer Terrier Breed Comparison and Consideration

The Biewer Terrier, with its charming appearance and affectionate demeanor, has captured the hearts of many dog enthusiasts worldwide. However, before adopting or purchasing a Biewer Terrier, it’s beneficial to compare the breed with others to ensure it aligns with your lifestyle and preferences. Let’s delve into a comparison of the Biewer Terrier with other similar breeds and the factors to consider before making a decision.

Biewer Terrier vs. Other Breeds:

1. Biewer Terrier vs. Yorkshire Terrier:

  • Appearance: While both breeds share similarities, the Biewer has a distinct tricolor coat – blue, white, and gold. In contrast, the Yorkshire Terrier typically sports blue and gold.
  • Temperament: Both are lively and affectionate, but some find Biewers to be slightly more laid-back than Yorkies.
  • Maintenance: Both require regular grooming due to their long, silky coats.

2. Biewer Terrier vs. Maltese:

  • Appearance: Maltese dogs have a pure white, silky coat, whereas Biewer Terriers are tricolor.
  • Temperament: Maltese dogs can be slightly more spirited and stubborn, while Biewers are often described as more adaptable.
  • Size: Both are toy breeds, but the Maltese can be slightly smaller.

3. Biewer Terrier vs. Shih Tzu:

  • Appearance: Shih Tzus have a denser coat and a broader facial structure, while Biewer Terriers have a more refined look.
  • Temperament: Both breeds are companionable and affectionate, but Shih Tzus might be a bit more independent.
  • Maintenance: Shih Tzus may need more frequent grooming sessions due to their thicker double coat.

Considerations Before Choosing a Biewer Terrier:

1. Lifestyle Compatibility: Biewer Terriers thrive in environments where they receive ample attention and aren’t left alone for extended periods.

2. Grooming Commitment: With their long, silky coats, be prepared for regular grooming sessions, which includes brushing, baths, and occasional trips to a professional groomer.

3. Space: Though small, these terriers are active and will appreciate some space to move and play. However, they adapt well to apartment living if they get their daily exercise.

4. Health Considerations: Be aware of the specific health concerns related to the breed and ensure regular vet check-ups.

5. Financial Investment: Aside from the initial cost of acquiring a Biewer Terrier, consider ongoing expenses like grooming, health care, quality food, and other necessities.

6. Training and Socialization: While generally amiable, early training and socialization are key to a well-adjusted Biewer Terrier.

7. Life Span: Biewer Terriers have a lifespan of 12-15 years, so be prepared for a long-term commitment.

While the Biewer Terrier is undeniably endearing, it’s essential to thoroughly evaluate the breed in comparison to others and introspect on personal lifestyle considerations. This ensures that the decision to welcome a Biewer Terrier into your home results in a harmonious and lasting bond.


The Biewer Terrier originated in Germany, bred by Mr. and Mrs. Biewer from Yorkshire Terriers. The breed’s distinct tricolor coat came from a rare recessive piebald gene.

Biewer Terriers are small dogs, typically weighing between 4 to 8 pounds and standing about 7 to 11 inches tall at the shoulder.

While no dog is truly hypoallergenic, the Biewer Terrier’s silky coat produces fewer allergens than many other breeds, making them a good choice for allergy sufferers.

Regular grooming is essential due to their long, silky coat. Daily brushing can prevent tangles, and regular baths will keep their coat clean and shiny.

Yes, they generally get along well with children and other animals, especially when socialized early. However, due to their small size, interactions with very young children should be supervised.

Biewer Terriers are active and playful but don’t require extensive exercise. Daily short walks and playtime should suffice.

Being intelligent and eager to please, they respond well to positive reinforcement training methods. Early socialization and puppy training classes are beneficial.

Some health concerns for the breed include patellar luxation, Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, and dental issues. Regular vet check-ups can help detect and manage these conditions.

Yes, their compact size and moderate exercise needs make them well-suited for apartment life, as long as they get their daily dose of activity and attention.

A balanced diet of high-quality dog food tailored for small breeds is ideal. It’s essential to monitor their weight and adjust portions as necessary.

Consider your lifestyle, living space, and the time you can commit to grooming, training, and bonding. If you seek a loyal, affectionate companion and are prepared for the grooming needs, a Biewer Terrier might be a perfect match.

While Biewer Terriers can be vocal, especially when they see or hear something unusual, they aren’t typically excessive barkers. Proper training can curb unnecessary barking.

The breed is named after its originators, Mr. and Mrs. Biewer. The full original name of the breed was “Biewer Yorkshire à la Pom Pon.”

The American Kennel Club (AKC) officially recognized the Biewer Terrier as a breed in 2021. They are also recognized by other kennel clubs and organizations worldwide.

While both might appear similar, the primary distinction lies in their breeding. Biewer Terriers are bred from a specific lineage that started with Mr. and Mrs. Biewer’s dogs, while Parti Yorkies are Yorkshire Terriers with a white coloration due to a recessive gene.

While traditionally not used as service dogs due to their small size, their affectionate nature makes them excellent candidates for therapy or emotional support roles.

Top Takeaways

The Biewer Terrier, a German-origin breed developed by the Biewer family, stands out with its tricolor coat of blue, white, and gold. These small, affectionate dogs, weighing around 4 to 8 pounds and standing 7 to 11 inches tall, make excellent companions but require consistent grooming due to their long, silky fur. Their playful and cheerful demeanor, paired with their distinctive appearance, makes them a beloved choice among dog enthusiasts.

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