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The Bolognese, often referred to as the “Bolo,” hails from the Bologna region of Italy, a fact that lends the breed its name. This toy breed is a member of the Bichon family, which includes other breeds like the Maltese and Bichon Frisé. With their cloud-like, fluffy white coats and endearing expressions, the Bolognese are often seen as both aristocratic and utterly adorable.

Historically, the Bolognese has been a favorite amongst nobility, particularly during the Renaissance period in Italy. They were often gifted to royalty and were seen as treasured companions, evident from their portrayal in various paintings from that era. This breed is not just about looks; they’re known for their loyal, affectionate nature, making them excellent companions. Their small size, combined with their amiable disposition, makes them suitable for both apartment living and larger homes.

Despite their delicate appearance, the Bolognese is a robust breed, characterized by its resilience and spirited personality. They are alert and curious, often displaying a playful side with their families. However, they can be reserved around strangers, showcasing a discerning nature. All in all, the Bolognese is a blend of beauty, brains, and boundless affection, making them a cherished breed for those lucky enough to share their homes with them.

Breed Snapshot

Life Expectancy:

12 to 14 years



Maintenance Level:


Shed Level

Very Low

Coat Color

Best For

The Bolognese breed is best for individuals and families looking for a loyal and affectionate companion. Their small size and relatively calm disposition make them ideal for apartment living and city dwellers. Additionally, their gentle and amiable nature means they can be a perfect match for households with children and other pets.

Seniors or retirees often find the Bolognese to be an excellent companion due to their manageable energy levels and strong desire for human connection. Moreover, those who appreciate a breed with historical significance and an aristocratic background will also be charmed by the Bolognese’s rich heritage.

However, it’s worth noting that they thrive on human interaction, making them best suited for individuals or families who can offer ample time and affection. Their luxurious coat, while beautiful, does require regular grooming, making them a good fit for those who enjoy or don’t mind the grooming process. In essence, the Bolognese is best for anyone looking for a loving, devoted, and elegant canine companion.

Bolognese Traits

Breed Characteristics

When bringing up a Bolognese, you can anticipate certain traits, measured on a scale from 1 star (being the least) to 5 star (being the most). This evaluation is backed by insights from various pet professionals, encompassing dog trainers, veterinarians, and behaviorists. However, it’s crucial to understand that each dog is unique, and while they may share breed characteristics, they may not always conform to the standard expectations.


Exercise Needs
Health Issues
Barking Tendencies
Grooming Needs
Shedding Level
Training Needs
Good With Kids
Good With Cats
Good As A Service Dog
Good For Apartments & Small Homes
Biting Tendencies
Energy Level
Good With Other Dogs
Sensitive to Cold Weather
Sensitive to Warm Weather
Good For First Time Pet Parents

Breed Characteristics

The Bolognese, with its plush white coat and soulful eyes, is a breed that captures attention and hearts alike. This toy breed, hailing from the Bichon family, boasts a unique set of physical features that set it apart. Let’s delve deeper into the intricate details of the Bolognese’s appearance:

1. Ears
Set high on their rounded head, the Bolognese’s ears are long and drooping. Covered with dense, wavy hair, they frame the face beautifully and add to their overall delicate appearance.
2. Eyes
One of the most captivating features of the Bolognese is their large, dark, almond-shaped eyes. These eyes exude intelligence and curiosity, often revealing a hint of the playful mischief that lies beneath.
3. Nose
The Bolognese sports a black, button-like nose that stands in striking contrast to its pure white fur. It’s a prominent feature on their slightly squared muzzle.
4. Head
The breed has a slightly rounded skull with a well-defined stop. This, combined with their expressive eyes and nose, gives them a distinctive and endearing face.
5. Coat
Perhaps the most distinctive feature is the Bolognese’s coat. Soft, long, and fluffy, it’s reminiscent of cotton or plush clouds. This coat doesn’t shed much, which is a boon for allergy sufferers, but it does require regular grooming to maintain its luxurious appearance.
6. Height
 The Bolognese is a small breed, typically standing between 10 to 12 inches tall at the shoulder. This height range is consistent for both males and females.
7. Tail
The tail of the Bolognese is set high and usually carried curved over the back or to the side. It’s covered in the same long, fluffy fur that characterizes the rest of their body, adding to their cloud-like silhouette.
8. Weight
In terms of weight, they are lightweight and easy to handle, generally weighing between 5 to 9 pounds. Their delicate stature often surprises people, given their fluffy appearance which makes them seem more substantial than they actually are.

Bolognese Temperament

Delving into the temperament of the Bolognese reveals a breed characterized by its gentle nature, unwavering loyalty, and spirited demeanor. These fluffy white companions, while small in size, have personalities that easily fill a room. Let’s explore the multifaceted temperament of the Bolognese:

  1. Loyal Companions: Above all, the Bolognese is known for its deep-seated loyalty to its family. They form strong bonds with their human counterparts and are often described as “shadow dogs” because of their tendency to follow their favorite person from room to room.

  2. Gentle and Affectionate: Their gentle disposition makes them great companions for families, singles, and seniors alike. They thrive on human interaction and love to be cuddled and pampered. Their affectionate nature ensures that they’re often found nestled in laps or snuggled beside their owners.

  3. Intelligent and Alert: Beneath that fluffy exterior lies a sharp mind. Bolognese are quick learners and can pick up on commands or tricks with relative ease. Their alertness also makes them decent watchdogs; they’ll often bark to alert their family of any unfamiliar presence.

  4. Playful Yet Reserved: The Bolognese possesses a playful side, especially when engaged in games or interactive toys. However, they also have a reserved nature, especially around strangers. It’s not uncommon for the Bolognese to be a bit shy or cautious around unfamiliar faces.

  5. Social Needs: While they are independent to an extent, Bolognese thrive on companionship. They do best in environments where they aren’t left alone for extended periods. Prolonged solitude can lead to feelings of anxiety or sadness in this breed.

  6. Adaptable: One of the breed’s strong suits is its adaptability. Whether living in an apartment in the city or a house in the suburbs, the Bolognese can comfortably adjust as long as they’re with their loved ones.

In summary, the temperament of the Bolognese is a blend of devotion, gentleness, and spirited playfulness. They bring a sense of warmth and companionship to any household, making them an excellent choice for those seeking a loyal, loving pet.

How to Care for a Bolognese

The Bolognese, with its soft white fur and endearing eyes, is more than just a pretty face. This breed, bursting with affection and charm, requires a blend of dedicated grooming, tailored nutrition, and interactive engagement to truly thrive. While they may seem like dainty lap dogs, these canines crave attention, companionship, and a touch of pampering to keep them at their best.

The luxurious, soft coat of the Bolognese is one of its standout features, but it also demands consistent care to remain in tip-top condition. Here’s a deep dive into the grooming essentials for this captivating breed:

  1. Regular Brushing: The Bolognese’s coat is prone to matting and tangling. To combat this, brush your Bolognese daily using a slicker brush or a stainless-steel comb. Regular brushing not only helps in detangling but also distributes the natural oils throughout the coat, keeping it shiny and healthy.

  2. Bathing: While frequent baths can strip the coat of its natural oils, the Bolognese does benefit from a monthly bath. Use a mild dog shampoo and conditioner to maintain the softness and prevent skin irritations. Ensure you rinse thoroughly to avoid any residue buildup.

  3. Eye Care: Due to their expressive, dark eyes, tear staining can sometimes be an issue. Regularly wipe the area beneath the eyes with a soft, damp cloth or specially formulated tear stain wipes to prevent buildup and staining.

  4. Ear Cleaning: Their drooping ears can trap moisture, making them susceptible to infections. Check and clean their ears weekly using a dog-specific ear cleaner. If you notice redness, bad odor, or excessive wax, consult your vet.

  5. Dental Care: Regular dental check-ups are essential, given the Bolognese’s predisposition to dental issues. Brush their teeth several times a week using dog-specific toothpaste. Offering dental chews can also help in reducing tartar buildup.

  6. Nail Trimming: Their nails should be trimmed once or twice a month, depending on their growth rate. Use a dog nail clipper and be cautious not to cut too close to the quick, which can lead to bleeding.

  7. Paw Care: Check their paws regularly for any signs of injuries, cracks, or foreign objects. In colder months, their paws may benefit from a protective balm to prevent drying and cracking.

  8. Coat Trimming: While the Bolognese isn’t typically given a full haircut like some other breeds, occasional trimming, especially around the eyes, ears, and paws, can help maintain a neat appearance.

  9. Professional Grooming: Considering the intricate grooming needs of the Bolognese, it’s a good idea to schedule professional grooming sessions every few months. A professional can provide a thorough cleanup, trim, and even offer tips tailored to your specific dog.

However, the Bolognese’s coat is undeniably beautiful, it requires a consistent grooming regimen to keep it that way. With patience, regular care, and a bit of professional help now and then, your Bolognese will always be ready for a close-up.

The Bolognese, with its inherent intelligence and eagerness to please, makes for a trainable and receptive pupil. However, their slightly independent streak requires a balanced approach. Let’s delve into the nuances of training this delightful breed:

  1. Start Early: Begin training your Bolognese as early as possible. Puppies are naturally more curious and adaptable, making it an optimal period to introduce basic commands and manners.

  2. Positive Reinforcement: This breed responds exceptionally well to positive reinforcement techniques. Reward desired behaviors with treats, praise, or playtime. The key is to make training sessions enjoyable and rewarding for them.

  3. Consistency is Crucial: To ensure effective training, maintain consistency. Use the same commands and gestures for specific actions. It’s also important that all family members are on the same page regarding what’s allowed and what’s not.

  4. Socialization: Expose your Bolognese to different people, animals, sounds, and environments while they are young. This helps in building a well-rounded, confident, and sociable dog, reducing the chances of them becoming overly shy or aggressive.

  5. Short Sessions: Given their attention span, it’s more effective to have multiple short training sessions rather than prolonged ones. Aim for 10-15 minute sessions, several times a day.

  6. Basic Commands: Start with fundamental commands such as “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “down.” Once they master these, you can introduce more advanced tricks and commands.

  7. Avoid Negative Techniques: The Bolognese is sensitive and does not respond well to harsh training methods. Avoid yelling or punishment. Instead, redirect unwanted behaviors and reinforce desired ones.

  8. Leash Training: Begin leash training early to ensure your Bolognese is comfortable and well-behaved during walks. Remember to use a harness or a gentle leader to avoid putting pressure on their delicate neck.

  9. Potty Training: Like most small breeds, the Bolognese might take some time to be fully house-trained. Be patient, stick to a regular schedule, and reward them for doing their business in the designated spot.

  10. Combat Separation Anxiety: The Bolognese can be prone to separation anxiety given their attachment to their families. Gradually increase the time you spend away from them and provide interactive toys to keep them occupied. Crate training can also offer a safe and comforting space for them.

  11. Enroll in a Puppy Class: A structured puppy training class can offer a platform for your Bolognese to learn basic commands, manners, and socialization skills.

In conclusion, training a Bolognese is a journey that demands patience, consistency, and understanding. With the right approach, this breed can showcase its full potential, becoming not just a well-behaved companion but also the star pupil of the dog park!

Crafting a balanced diet for the Bolognese is pivotal, not just for maintaining their lustrous coat but also for ensuring their overall health and vitality. As with any dog breed, their nutritional needs vary depending on age, activity level, and health conditions. Here’s a detailed guide to feeding your Bolognese:

  1. Puppy Nutritional Needs: Bolognese puppies are active and require diets rich in protein and fat to support their rapid growth. Look for puppy-specific formulas that cater to small breeds, ensuring they get the right nutrient balance.

  2. Adult Maintenance: As they transition into adulthood, their metabolism stabilizes. Transition them to a high-quality adult dog food. Keep an eye on calorie intake to prevent weight gain, especially if they are less active.

  3. Senior Care: Older Bologneses might have slower metabolic rates. Adjust their diet by potentially reducing calorie intake and ensuring they receive joint supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin if needed.

  4. Quality Matters: Always opt for high-quality dog food that lists real meat as the first ingredient. Avoid foods with fillers like corn, wheat, or soy. Natural ingredients with added vitamins and minerals are usually the best bet.

  5. Wet Food vs. Dry Kibble: Both have their benefits. Wet food is more palatable and can help with hydration, while kibble is good for dental health. Some owners choose to mix both, giving their Bolognese a varied and enjoyable meal experience.

  6. Homemade Meals: If you’re inclined towards preparing homemade meals for your Bolognese, consult with a veterinarian or pet nutritionist to ensure the meals are balanced. Remember to incorporate lean proteins, vegetables, and essential fatty acids.

  7. Portion Control: Overfeeding is a common pitfall. Even a few extra grams for a small breed like the Bolognese can lead to obesity. Use a measuring cup and stick to the recommended serving sizes, adjusting based on activity level and age.

  8. Treats in Moderation: While it’s tempting to shower your Bolognese with treats, ensure they form no more than 10% of their daily calorie intake. Opt for healthy treats like dehydrated fruits, vegetables, or lean meat strips.

  9. Hydration: Fresh water should be available at all times. Change the water daily and ensure the bowl is clean.

  10. Special Dietary Considerations: Some Bologneses might have food allergies or sensitivities. If you notice signs like itching, digestive issues, or a lackluster coat, consider transitioning them to a hypoallergenic diet or one with limited ingredients.

  11. Regular Check-ins: Regularly consult with your vet about your Bolognese’s diet, especially if you notice weight fluctuations or changes in appetite. They can provide tailored advice and dietary recommendations.

In essence, feeding a Bolognese is a careful balance of quality, quantity, and variety. By ensuring their nutritional needs are met and constantly monitoring their health and weight, you set the foundation for a happy, healthy, and long life for your fluffy companion.

The Bolognese, though a small breed, is packed with energy and an inherent zest for life. Providing them with adequate exercise is key to ensuring their physical health, mental well-being, and overall happiness. Let’s explore the ideal exercise regimen for this spirited companion:

  1. Daily Walks: The Bolognese benefits from daily walks, ideally split into two shorter strolls – one in the morning and another in the evening. These walks help them stretch their legs, explore their surroundings, and burn off any pent-up energy.

  2. Play Sessions: Apart from walks, daily play sessions are essential. Whether it’s fetch, tug-of-war, or chasing a toy, these activities not only exercise their bodies but also stimulate their minds.

  3. Interactive Toys: Puzzle toys and treat-dispensing gadgets are fantastic for mental stimulation. They challenge the dog’s intellect, keep them engaged, and can be an excellent source of indoor activity.

  4. Socialization Opportunities: Regular visits to a local dog park or playdates with other small breeds can offer a Bolognese the chance to socialize and play in a more unstructured environment.

  5. Training Sessions: Incorporate short training sessions into their routine. This can be in the form of obedience training, agility drills, or even learning new tricks. It not only acts as a form of exercise but also strengthens the bond between you and your Bolognese.

  6. Safety First: Given their small stature, be cautious about over-exerting your Bolognese. In conditions of extreme heat or cold, limit outdoor activity and opt for indoor play.

  7. Joint Care: While they love to jump and play, be mindful of their joints. Ensure they have a soft landing space and avoid excessive jumping or stairs, especially in puppyhood or senior years.

  8. Consistency is Key: Try to keep their exercise routine consistent. A predictable regimen helps in managing their energy levels and reducing any anxiety.

  9. Post-Exercise Care: After a vigorous play session or a long walk, ensure they have access to fresh water. It’s also a good time to check their paws and body for any signs of injury or discomfort.

  10. Monitor Their Energy: Pay attention to your Bolognese’s energy levels. If they seem restless or exhibit destructive behavior, they might need more exercise. Conversely, if they’re lethargic or reluctant to play, they might be over-exerted or unwell.

In conclusion, while the Bolognese might not demand the intensive exercise regimen of larger breeds, they still thrive on regular, varied activities. A balance of physical exertion and mental stimulation ensures a content, healthy, and well-rounded Bolognese companion.

The Bolognese is a breed that flourishes when given love, care, and the right environment. Given its compact size and endearing nature, it might come as no surprise that this breed is well-suited for various living conditions. Let’s delve into what constitutes the ideal surroundings for this fluffy companion:

  1. Living Space: Despite their petite stature, Bologneses are active and spirited. They appreciate having a bit of space to roam and play. While they can adapt to apartment living, a home with a small yard or garden is a bonus for them to stretch their legs.

  2. Safety Concerns: If you have a yard or garden, ensure it’s securely fenced to prevent them from wandering off. Remember, their inquisitive nature can sometimes get the better of them!

  3. Climate: The Bolognese has a dense coat that offers protection in moderate climates. However, they’re not built for extreme conditions. In hot weather, they appreciate a cool, shaded spot and should be kept indoors during peak sun. In cold climates, a warm bed and limited outdoor time are essential.

  4. Social Setting: These dogs are known for their strong bond with their human families. They thrive in environments where they can interact and be involved in daily family activities. Whether it’s watching TV with the family or being a part of gatherings, they want to be right there in the mix.

  5. Quiet vs. Active Household: While they adapt well to both, a medium-paced household is ideal. They enjoy the calmness but also appreciate periodic bursts of activity or play.

  6. Companionship Needs: The Bolognese does not like being left alone for extended periods. If you have a busy schedule, consider another pet for companionship or ensure there’s someone at home for a good part of the day.

  7. Kid-Friendly: They’re generally good with children, especially when socialized early. However, given their small size, it’s crucial to teach kids to handle them gently.

  8. Other Pets: Bologneses usually get along well with other dogs and even cats, especially if introduced properly. Their friendly disposition makes them sociable pets.

  9. Mental Stimulation: They enjoy environments where they’re mentally stimulated. Whether it’s through toys, training sessions, or interactive play, it helps keep them content.

  10. Training Space: Having a dedicated space for training sessions, whether indoors or in a yard, helps in their obedience and skill development.

In essence, the Bolognese is a flexible breed when it comes to its living environment. The key is ensuring safety, comfort, social interaction, and mental stimulation. Whether you’re in an apartment in the city or a house in the countryside, with the right care, the Bolognese will find its place as a cherished member of the household.

Bolognese Health

The Bolognese, with its charming appearance and gentle demeanor, is a breed many dog lovers are drawn to. Like all breeds, however, they have specific health considerations potential owners should be aware of. Being knowledgeable about these can ensure a long, happy life for your furry friend. Let’s dive deep into the health profile of the Bolognese:

1. Lifespan and General Health:

Typically, the Bolognese enjoys a long lifespan, often ranging from 12 to 14 years, sometimes even longer with proper care. They are generally robust dogs, but, as with many purebreds, they can be susceptible to certain hereditary conditions.

2. Dental Health:

Smaller breeds, including the Bolognese, can be prone to dental issues like tartar buildup and gum disease. Regular teeth cleanings, either at home or by a vet, are crucial. Providing dental chews and ensuring they have a balanced diet can also support oral health.

3. Eye Conditions:

Watch out for signs of eye issues like cataracts or progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). While these conditions are not rampant in the breed, routine eye checks can help in early detection and treatment.

4. Luxating Patella:

This is a condition where the kneecap moves out of its normal position, a common issue in smaller dog breeds. Symptoms include limping or an abnormal gait. It can range from mild to severe and might require surgical intervention in serious cases.

5. Hip Dysplasia:

Though more common in larger breeds, the Bolognese can occasionally suffer from hip dysplasia. This involves an improperly formed hip joint, leading to arthritis over time. Regular check-ups and maintaining an optimal weight can help manage this condition.

6. Allergies:

Bologneses can be sensitive to certain foods, environmental factors, or specific materials. Symptoms can include itching, redness, or digestive issues. Identifying and eliminating allergens, possibly with the help of an elimination diet, can make a world of difference.

7. Cardiac Concerns:

Like many small breeds, the Bolognese can be predisposed to heart conditions. Regular veterinary check-ups, including cardiac screenings, can help catch and manage potential issues early.

8. Grooming-related Issues:

Their dense, curly coat can lead to matting if not groomed regularly. Mats can harbor bacteria, leading to skin infections. Thus, routine grooming is not just cosmetic but also a health necessity.

9. Diet and Weight:

Obesity can lead to numerous health issues, from joint problems to cardiac concerns. Ensure your Bolognese has a balanced diet and gets regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight.

10. Regular Vet Check-ups:

It cannot be stressed enough how essential regular veterinary visits are. Routine screenings, vaccinations, and early detection of potential health issues can ensure your Bolognese stays healthy and happy.

The Bolognese is generally a healthy breed, being informed and proactive about their health can make all the difference. With regular care, a balanced diet, exercise, and love, your Bolognese can enjoy a long, fulfilling life by your side.

Bolognese Breed Comparison and Consideration

When considering the Bolognese breed, it’s helpful to compare it with similar breeds to determine which might be the best fit for your lifestyle and preferences. The Bolognese shares similarities with other small, companion breeds. Let’s dive into a comparison and understand the subtle and pronounced differences.

1. Bolognese vs. Maltese:

  • Appearance: Both breeds boast a luxurious, long, white coat. The Maltese tends to have a silky straight coat, while the Bolognese sports a more curly or wavy texture.
  • Temperament: Both breeds are affectionate and form strong bonds with their families. The Maltese might be slightly more outgoing, while the Bolognese can be a bit reserved with strangers.
  • Grooming: Both breeds require regular grooming, but the Bolognese’s curlier coat can be more forgiving with slight tangles compared to the Maltese’s straight fur.

2. Bolognese vs. Bichon Frise:

  • Appearance: Both have curly white coats, but the Bichon’s is puffier, giving it a distinct “cotton ball” appearance.
  • Temperament: While both breeds are friendly and playful, the Bichon might have a tad more energy and zest, often being described as the clown of the dog world.
  • Size: Bichon Frise tends to be slightly larger and sturdier than the delicate Bolognese.

3. Bolognese vs. Havanese:

  • Appearance: While Bolognese has predominantly white coats, the Havanese comes in a broader range of colors and patterns. The Havanese also has a longer body shape.
  • Temperament: Both breeds are known for their affectionate nature and love of human companionship. Havanese might be slightly more adaptable to various living situations.
  • Climate Suitability: The Havanese, with its tropical origins, might fare slightly better in warmer climates than the Bolognese.

4. Bolognese vs. Coton de Tulear:

  • Appearance: Both breeds have a soft, cotton-like coat, but the Coton’s is slightly fluffier.
  • Temperament: Both dogs are affectionate and loyal. Cotons, however, are known for their notably cheerful disposition.
  • Origins: While the Bolognese hails from Italy, the Coton de Tulear has its origins in Madagascar.

Considerations: Before choosing a breed, it’s essential to consider:

  • Grooming needs: How much time can you dedicate to grooming?
  • Activity level: Do you want a more energetic companion or a more laid-back one?
  • Size and living situation: Do you have ample space, or are you looking for a compact breed for apartment living?
  • Temperament: Do you want a dog that’s wary of strangers, or one that’s welcoming to everyone?

In essence, while the Bolognese shares similarities with other small dog breeds, its unique characteristics make it stand out. Whether you’re drawn to its curly coat, its gentle nature, or its rich history, understanding how it compares to other breeds ensures you’re making an informed decision tailored to your lifestyle.


The Bolognese is a small breed, typically weighing between 5 to 9 pounds and standing about 10 to 12 inches tall at the shoulder.

Yes, Bolognese dogs are typically gentle and affectionate, making them good companions for children. They also tend to get along well with other pets, especially if introduced to them at a young age.

Bolognese dogs are known for their affectionate and loyal nature. They form strong bonds with their families and often become quite attached, making them excellent companion dogs. However, they can be a tad reserved with strangers but rarely show aggression.

Like all breeds, the Bolognese may be susceptible to certain health issues, including eye problems and joint issues. Regular veterinary check-ups and a good diet can help in early detection and prevention.

Bolognese dogs are intelligent and eager to please, making them relatively easy to train. However, consistency and positive reinforcement techniques work best. They respond well to treats and praise.

While they can be alert and might bark to notify their owners of strangers or unusual sounds, Bolognese dogs are not typically excessive barkers. Proper training from a young age can further minimize unnecessary barking.

Top Takeaways

The Bolognese stands out as a devoted and affectionate companion, perfect for families, singles, and seniors alike. Their small stature, combined with a charming appearance, often makes them a favorite among dog lovers. However, beyond their looks, their temperament is what truly endears them to many. They form deep bonds with their families, often shadowing them around the house, eager to participate in daily activities.

Grooming and health care play a pivotal role in ensuring the Bolognese leads a comfortable and healthy life. Their curly, dense coat, while mesmerizing, demands regular upkeep to prevent matting and ensure skin health. Health-wise, while the breed is generally robust, regular vet check-ups and a balanced diet are non-negotiables to prevent common breed-specific issues. Lastly, when considering adding a Bolognese to your family, remember that training and socialization from a young age can ensure they grow into well-rounded adults, making the bond between owner and pet even more fulfilling.

Top Bolognese Names

These are the top Bolognese  names as chosen by Pawstray pet parents!

Female Names


Ginger Adam









Male Names











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